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Case Study Details

ImpactFund Aurora Dairy Class Action Notice.png


Class Action Notice, Communication Design, Qualitative Testing, Quantitative Testing​

Bringing clarity to Class Action Notices


When ImpactFund wanted to change the way class action notices present information to consumers, they chose to collaborate with Kingsley-Kleimann. Their goal was to improve the way class action notifices communicate all options to members and build the baseline for establishing a template for use on all federal court class action notices.

  • Provided a thorough expert review of the new class action template to spotlight opportunities for improvement.

  • Helped re-organize the notice template around questions class action members would have.

  • Tested the redesigned and rewritten notice to gain insights into how consumers performed using it.

Class Action Notice Redesign

What We Did:


  • ImpactFund has presented their proposed design changes to the federal courts.

  • Efforts are underway to push for the adoption of the template nationwide.

  • Testing data provided overwhelming evidence of improved performance.

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